Bayi Aruna dikunjungi Cerahati Girls. Minus Icha dan mba @misshotrodqueen.

FYI cewek-cewek Cerahati ini adalah sekumpulan cewek-cewek tomboy, tapi kalau ngomongin ngurus anak, masakan, dan kosmetik sejago Riani Djangkaru ngomongin alam Indonesia. Yang baru punya anak di foto ini cm dua org kok termasuk gw. Yg lainnya blm nikah (hayoo tebak yg mana!)

O iya, Ubur hampir lupa disebut. Walo Ubur ga ada di foto ini, tapi kami ga akan lupa Ubur sbg Cerahati Girls (laaaah???) – with Selva, Metha, Wisnu Oeboer, clarissa, and Satya 🐳

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A weirdo who managed the society to accept her for what she is.
A sushi freak.
Love to blog and tweet n’import quoi.
Often found as a girl who reads down in the middle of the crowd.
Enjoys meeting new people and listening to their life story.
Secretly like to think the unthinkable then depressed herself 😀
LOVE TO WATCH MOVIES AND REVIEW THEM (Yes, caps lock is needed)
On her 29th birthday, she got married to a very nice punk rock guy, whom often she called ‘Si Punk Rock’. ❤
A year later, she gave birth to a lovely daughter that later she called ‘Kriby’.
Then 9 years later Kriby got a sister that we called ‘Baby B’.

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